So about the babysitting. Oh, where to begin. You know when you kind of have that feeling? Well, we had a WONDERFUL babysitter from March until July that I was sad to see go. She got another job and relocated, but was kind enough to help us out with a replacement. I guess I just never really warmed up to the replacement. After numerous instances of her siblings showing up at my house to cover for her, I finally realized it just wasn't working out.
Thank god my neighbor happened to come over this past weekend and I shared some stories with her. She is a newly graduated nurse and offered to help out until she finds a permanent nursing job. After that her Mom will take over who is retired - perfect! Everything worked out wonderfully and if you know me and want more gossip, I will divulge at a later date. See this whole inter-webs thing means people smart enough to realize you have a blog just may read it! I will keep all other details to myself in case "others" stumble upon this.
But the bottom line is: Don't take a job you're not interested in. The best way to insult a mother is to have little or no interest in her children. I mean come on, that is the proudest thing we have! Also, if you think it might not work, it probably isn't going to-listen to your mommy instincts!